

Book Call



Book Call

You record, we take care of the rest

All-in-one podcasting service. We edit, mix, upload and create promo material for your podcast. Forget about spending hours in cumbersome editing software. Focus on what you do best - delivering your message.

Episodes you 🖤 since 2019

Episodes you 🖤 since 2019

Level up your podcast today

Subscribe to a plan & request as many podcasting tasks as you'd like.

Receive your finished task within a few business days.

We'll revise the episode until you're 100% satisfied.

Subscribe to a plan and start your podcasting requests right away

First we make you sound and look good

Stand out from other podcasts with outstanding sound. You record the episode and we take care of everything else. From trimming and mixing to sound design and polishing. We make sure your podcast radiates professionalism, enabling you to focus on crafting outstanding content.

Then we help you spread your message

A podcast is an amazing tool to build relationships on scale. Growing a podcast however is no easy feat. Repurposing your podcast episodes into different types of content can help you reach a wider audience and make the most of your (OUR!) hard work. Think video / audio snippets, Linkedin or Instagram posts for you.

'Tired of wrestling with audio files and editing software? Ohrzucker's subscription service is the answer you've been waiting for.'

Recent work

A simple pricing plan


CHF 900/m

CHF 900/m

Paid Monthly

Improve Sound

Add Intro & Outro

Write Shownotes

Upload to Podcasting Host

Unlimited requests

Pause or cancel any time


CHF 2500/m

CHF 2500/m

Paid Monthly

Same as Basics, plus:

Thorough Editing & Production

Audiograms / Video Snippets

Unlimited requests

One Request at a time

Pause Cancel Anytime

Your business doesn't have a podcast yet?

No problem. Book a call and we can find out wether Ohrzucker is a fit for your business.


What kind of podcasts can you handle?

How quickly can you edit and upload my episodes?

Can I be involved in the production process?

Do you provide promotional materials for every episode?

What if I want to stop using your services?

Can you edit episodes in languages other than English?

© 2023 Ohrzucker Podcasting Subscription Service. All rights reserved.